
Friday, January 30, 2009

What...No Water?

Last week, on an ordinary day, I got home from dropping Matthew off at school. I was doing my daily routine when I turned my faucet on and no water spilled out. We are usually advised prior to them shutting the water off, but I guess I missed the memo that time. Well, I hadn't taken a shower yet, because it's so early still or brushed my teeth...I know gross. I was a little worried because I usually have lunch with Matthew almost everyday, and then I started thinking of all the things I needed to do that day. Well I was determined to accomplish my daily routine without letting this little challenge get in my way. So I opened up my storage water, for bathing and for drinking and used it to take care of all my necessities.

I just want to say that we don't need a natural disaster to have the need to use our storages. I am grateful that Matthew and I started our own little storage because it really was a blessing that day. I was able to shower, brush my teeth, cook, wash my hands, flush my toilet, and other things that require the use of water.

It's hard to really appreciate things when you have them at your disposal all day every day.


Dave said...

How long did it take before your water was turned back on? I remember going without in Phelan when it was too cold, the pipes would freeze. It was a nightmare! I am sure you don't want to go through that again anytime soon! You always have a great positive attitude Rosalia!

Jackie said...

hey Girl,
It is so good to have you guys back. Oh the water thing... The other day that happened with the electricity. Just when I was getting ready to blow dry my hair and run out the door the electricity went out. Gurr... but it all turned out OK, It was a windy day. LOL

Marlon and Suzana said...

Thats so awesome! Kudos for keeping up with your food storage, water is one thing i really need to work on storing. Your storage has motivated me to get going on that again.

Katie said...

LOL, so true! I hate it when our water goes out, but I'm always so glad that we have some water supply in storage.