Why is life in the States so busy!? Well here's an update for those who are curious. Matthew has been studying for one more board exam and then the state exam, after he takes those he can start looking for a job. He is actually taking his board exam today and tomorrow. So pray that he will do well. I was temporarily working for a lady in our ward, but that's done and now I'm waiting to start school...again. I will be taking some medical billing and coding classes so that I can have an understanding of how we can get paid by all those insurance companies when we start our own business. My first day is August 12th, and the entire schooling will only be nine months, so I'll be finishing up around mid May.
Matthew just had his birthday August 1st, he turned 30, I can't believe it

. We've also attended a graduation, my new nephew's baby blessing,

...other birthday parties, and have been super busy with our puppy.

She is growing so fast, but is definitely still a puppy. She loves socks and anything she can get her teeth in. She is very stubborn and always wants to make up her own rules. Matthew and I are learning a lot of patience with her, and learning to be parents is some ways as well.
This week we are getting ready to go to San Francisco for Matthew's birthday and summer trip. I've never been there so I'm super excited. We leave Thursday morning and get back Sunday night. Until then.
Rosalia, you look so cute =) I love the picture of your puppy he is adorable, and of course have fun on your trip you guys deserve it..HAPPY BELATED B-DAY MATTHEW +-)
Good luck Matthew! Have fun on your trip and happy birthday.
U look soo cute, I love your dress! Happy bday to Mateo and good luck on those boards! I cant believe you'll be in SF this weekend... I will be there Sunday afternoon too! Sad I don't think we can get together tho awww soon, very soon! Love ya!
Happy late b-day Matt! Your puupy is way cute! Good luck in studying, SHeldon is studying for boards as well! I can't wait till it's over!
Happy bday Rosalia! the day you call me, i knew it was your bday but for some reason i totally forgot while we were talking. I love you very much and I just can't wait to see you in two days!!!!! We need updates! visit my blog soon I finally have internet at home. besos
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